Safety planning helps to lower the risk of being hurt by an abuser. It includes information specific to the survivor and their current living situation that will help keep them safe. It is NOT a one-time process but is continually re-evaluated to address changes in work, school or living environments.
Safety planning is done with all our clients including hotline callers, emergency shelter, transitional housing and outreach. We are here to help you, call our 24-hour hotline at 706-387-0100.
In Case of an Emergency
Call 911
Call the Peace Place Inc. Crisis Hotline 706-387-0100
Call a family member, trusted friend, co-worker or neighbor
Plan/Prepare to Leave
Let someone know about the abuse and develop a visual signal for when you need help
Make a getaway bag that holds all of you important documents such as drivers license, social security card, birth certificate, passport, medical insurance card, medications, marriage license, spare car and house keys.
Do not worry about items such as clothing. Remember you can always replace these items.
Have a trusted person that you can give your getaway bag or money to in case a situation escalates.
Assess each room in your home. You can practice exiting safely from the house when your abuser is not there. Practice with your children.
Avoid rooms that contain weapons such as the kitchen.
If possible, have a phone accessible at all times and know the numbers to call for help. Turn the location off on your phone.
Make a habit of backing your car into the driveway and keep it fueled. Keep the driver's door unlocked and the others locked for a quick escape.
Keep any evidence of physical abuse such as photos.
If you are injured, go to a doctor and report what happened to you.